
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Odd vs. Even Sizes

We’ve all been there – you go into one store, and the sizes are even numbers. Then you go to the next store, and the sizes are odd. And then you get to dresses, and the sizes are way off from what you’re used to.

We set out to answer the question once and for all, so you never have to be confused again. So here is the comprehensive answer to the question, what gives with odd and even numbered sizes?

The Scoop

We know that not all sizes are created equal. Something that is labelled a 14 in one store may be a completely different fit from a 14 in another store. The phrase “runs true to size” no longer means anything, because each brand makes their items fit the way they want.

The same is true of odd and even numbered sizes. There are some general rules that apply to understanding odd and even numbered sizes, but there are exceptions.

Odd Numbers

Most frequently, odd numbers refer to junior sizes. Sizes like 00 are even, but are usually sold in stores that are aimed at older teenagers (anybody else remember Stitches and Urban Planet?). Although the store’s branding is aimed at older teenagers, the sizes fit juniors.

This is the same principle that is used in marketing toys. Toy companies show a toy that is meant for an eight-year-old being played with by someone who is twelve. At that age, people want what the older kids have. This idea is applied to clothing by showing someone who is seventeen or eighteen wearing something that is intended for consumers who are fourteen or fifteen.

Often the sizes go from 00 to 15 or 17. For an adult who is usually a 14 or 16, this seems like good news. Remember that these sizes are not designed for adults, so you will have to put some effort in to make them fit.

Junior sizes can be adapted to adult sizes. Simply round up to the next size. For example, a size 15 will round up to a size 16. Theoretically, someone who is a size 16 could wear a 15. However, the fit will be hit and miss.

Keep in mind that you should try these items on before you buy them. Adapting a size designed for a tween to fit an adult isn’t an exact science – rather, it involves a fair bit of guesswork. You may usually be a size 16, but you may end up with 17 or 19.

Junior sizes also don’t allow for curves. Most women under the age of 15 don’t have the same curves as someone who is in her twenties. When it comes to making larger sizes for juniors, manufacturers simply add more fabric. The entire item is proportionally larger that its smaller counterpart.

This doesn’t always work for adult women who fit the larger sizes. Shirts may not be long enough, or wide enough around the bust, and junior jeans are not intended to accommodate curvy hips or thighs. Pants also probably won’t be long enough.

Even Numbers 

Even numbers are designed for adults. These are the sizes that we see in stores that are aimed for people who are over eighteen. You can tell which ones these are because they carry things that are appropriate to wear in an office, like blazers, blouses, and dress pants.

Like junior sizes, adult sizes span the range from 0 onward. In most stores, the sizes stop at 10 or 12. Fortunately, more brands are recognizing that not all women fit into this bracket. Many stores that previously capped off at size 12 are now carrying size 18 or 20.

Unlike junior sizes, even sizes are designed for adults. This means they will have a far better fit than any item adapted from a junior size. Even-numbered sizes are designed with a fully developed body in mind, meaning there is room for curves.

Even sizes are a conversion from the number of inches around a given area - e.g. your hips - to a numerical value. For example, a 32 inch waistband on jeans is usually a size 10. Remember that each store makes each item fit the way they want, so a 10 in one store might fit perfectly but a 10 in another store could be way off. 


Sizing for dresses is different than sizing for individual items. For example, you might be a size 12 on top but a 16 on the bottom. When it comes to dresses, the size refers to your overall fit.

In many cases, tailoring is the only option to make dresses fit properly. Try on each dress before you buy it, and make sure it fits the largest part of you, whether this is your shoulders, bust, or hips.  

A lot of the time you can estimate your dress size by looking at your sizes for tops and bottoms. If you are a 12 on top and a 16 on the bottom, try a size 14 dress. 

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