
Friday, July 1, 2016

Taking the Panic Out of Prints and Patterns

Not all of us are comfortable wearing patterns. For years I refused to put on any sort of stripe, terrified that I would be confused for an inflated version of Waldo that everybody could find without looking.

Fortunately, this fear has dissipated and stripes no longer terrify me. If you’ve been dying to try a print but are nervous about becoming your own version of Waldo, here are some ideas to ease you into the world of prints and patterns, without the accompanying panic.

Start Small

No matter what print you choose, start by adding a small amount to your usual outfits. This could be hair clips, bracelets, or a belt. I had one friend who started with socks.

Once you’re comfortable with this amount, try something a bit bigger, like a scarf or tank top. Before you know it, you’ll be wearing an all-over print dress.

Choose Classics

Some prints are safer than others. Along with their timeless popularity, this is why they’re considered classics. Patterns such as plaid, pinstripes, and hound’s tooth are all classic prints and can easily be paired with solids.

Eventually, you’ll be bold enough to select large polka dots, geometric shapes, and metallics.

Be Neutral

The least stressful way to incorporate patterns is to start with colours you’re comfortable with. Often this means neutral shades.

Start with neutral colours such as black, white, and navy, and work your way into all the shades of the rainbow. If you want to add another baby step, move into burgundy, forest green, and deep plums. These shades aren’t technically neutrals, but they’re dark enough that you can pretend.

Pick a Signature

Once you know which prints you like, choose one that is your go-to print. This will become your signature pattern, and you'll be known for rocking it. 

Personally, I adore cheetah print. Keep in mind that no matter what you choose, moderation is key.

Once you’ve mastered patterns, the next step is flaming batons. 

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