
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Date Night - Decoded

A first date is awkward enough without worrying about what to wear. You want to be able to pay attention to the person you're with, rather than fussing with your clothing. 

In my single days, first dates weren't common enough that I felt super confident just throwing together anything I found in my closet.  I worried about how my clothes fit with the person I was going out with.

On one particularly memorable incident - I mean, date - I dressed the way I thought my date would want. He was a bit of a "bad boy", so I made sure I didn't look like a goody-two-shoes. This meant too much eyeliner, a lot of faux leather, and a hair style that should never be repeated. 

The entire evening I was highly uncomfortable. Not only with my clothing but with myself. I felt like I was pretending to be someone I'm not. It's not that I've never broken a rule, but I don't go out of my way to cause trouble. Being dressed up like a semi-punk vagrant made me act like someone else. 

So what's the moral of this story? Dress to suit yourself. 

When it comes to first dates, this can be difficult. The entire purpose of a first date is to find out if you like each other. Instinctively, we want to be liked, and the way we dress ourselves is one of the easiest ways to show who we are. 

Here is everything I've learned the hard way that you need to know to prep for a first date. 

Dress for the activity

Nothing makes me feel more like a fool than trying to do a physical activity in high heels. Since I love stilettos, this has happened more than once. Needless to say, a romantic walk in the park isn't very romantic when you start limping halfway through. 

If you aren't the one planning the date, try to find out in advance what kind of thing your date has in mind. This will allow you to dress appropriately and avoid packing extra bandaids in your purse. 

Dress for the weather

I grew up in Alberta. This means the weather changes on a dime, especially in the winter. A day that is supposed to be -10 degrees Celcius is perfect for ice skating, but a sudden breeze that makes it feel like -30 is not nearly as nice. 

Knowing what the weather is supposed to do is an important factor for avoiding a major fashion faux pas - mini skirts and Ugg boots, anyone? 

This will also prevent my famous "drowned-rat-on-prom-night" look (i.e. soaking wet with mascara running down my face". Worrying about whether or not your makeup is running or your hair is frizzing isn't what you want to focus on when on a date. 

Dress for yourself

No matter what you're doing, where you'll be, or who you'll be with, dress to suit yourself. If you love twirly dresses and flats, do it. If you prefer biker boots and chunky jewelry, go for it. Wear your bright colours, strong patterns, and hair accessories.

I can't stress enough that what you wear should make you feel good. Self-esteem should come from how we feel about ourselves, not what others say. While this is easier said than done, wearing something that makes you feel good on a first date is an excellent way to tell somebody that you like you - whether or not they do. 

Have a first date oops you'd like to share? Post it in the comments.

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