
Monday, September 12, 2016

Makeovers Made Easy

If you’ve been stuck in a style rut, it may be time to mix things up a bit. Simple changes can make a big difference. The term 'makeover' conjures memories of Clueless, with Cher creating new outfits and hairstyles for everyone from her friends to her teachers. 

Makeovers don't have to be a massive overhaul of your entire style - a few small changes can make you feel like you have a whole new look without spending a ton of money.

Follow these tips for an easy makeover. Use one or two for tweaking your style, or if you're feeling adventurous, try them all. 

Switch up your manicure

Something as simple as nail polish can make a huge difference to your overall look.

For example, pastel pink polish and white lace say feminine, while navy blue polish and white lace say classic chic. Now switch out the blue for a matte black and you’ve got an edgy modern style.

Playing with the colours on your fingers and toes is a great option for dipping into a style switch-up. It’s non-permanent and easily reversible.

For those of us with acrylic nails, consider changing the shape and the colour. Instead of a classic sporty square, try a slightly longer almond shape. If you’re feeling super brave, try a coffin or stiletto shape.

Before you begin, have cotton balls, polish remover, and several orange sticks on hand. Putting down a layer of paper towel never hurt, either.

For tips and tricks for the perfect manicure, see the article "Top Six Tips for At-Home Manicures".

Try a new makeup trend

It’s easy to stick to the same makeup routine day in and day out. Trying a new makeup trend is the next step up from practicing your polish.

On a day when you have some extra time (such as a weekend), pick a makeup trend you haven’t tried and give it a shot. The day I discovered pastel purple lipstick was a wonderful day. It’s now my go-to light lip shade.

If you’ve never tried a smoky eye, now is your chance. On the other hand, if you usually put on a full face, try a simple mascara and lipstick look.

Take a look at your favourite fashion mags for ideas, then make sure you have remover wipes and cotton swabs at the ready and give it a go. You may not love it, but you won’t know until you try.

Change your hair colour

As someone who regularly changes her mind about what colour hair to have, I can promise you that going lighter or darker will have a drastic impact on your look. I’ve tried everything from blonde to blue and back again, and each time is a new experience.

If you choose a lighter shade, it’s a good idea to go to a salon. While darkening your hair is difficult to mess up, lightening usually requires a professional. Save yourself the grief of accidentally becoming a pumpkin and find a stylist.

Also keep in mind that if you want to go back to your original colour, it’s a lot easier to cover something too light than to lighten something too dark.

Not sure what colour you want? Peruse Pinterest for inspiration.

Tell us about your style changes in the comments!

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