
Friday, March 17, 2017

What Does Primer Do?

Applying primer before putting on your makeup is a step that is often overlooked. This is because primer doesn't have an obvious effect the way other products like foundation do, and you probably don't notice a huge difference on the days you do remember to put it on.

As it turns out, when you use primer on a regular basis you notice the difference on the days you forget or run out.

So what exactly does primer do, and is it worth adding it to your makeup routine?

What Does it Do?

Image from
Makeup primer has a few functions. Firstly, it fills in any fine lines and large pores. This makes your face appear smoother once the foundation is applied. Anybody who has used liquid foundation knows that it sinks into your pores, no matter how small they might be. Primer prevents this from being possible by creating a seal over your skin.

This is also how it works to cover lines and wrinkles. Primer sits on top of the skin, rather than soaking into it, so you have a barrier between your foundation and any lines, wrinkles, and pores.

Primer is also responsible for helping your makeup last longer by giving your foundation something to hold on to. Instead of slipping off your skin, your foundation can adhere to the primer. As a result, your foundation will last longer. You won't need to reapply it during the day, and you'll find your face looks fresher at the end of the day than it does on days you don't wear primer.

It can also help with things like redness. Some options contain ingredients to help balance out any red spots. These varieties tend to have a green tint, which counteracts the redness in your skin. It is also helpful for creating a more even base for people who have a lot of pink pigment in their skin.

We like the Poreless Face Primer from E.L.F. (pictured). It's only $6, and the bottle lasts a long time.

On days when you want a bit of a natural-looking freshness without layers of makeup, primer is a great option. Apply a light layer of primer after washing and moisturizing for a subtle dewy effect.

Is Primer Worth It?

Having your makeup last longer is definitely worth it. Given quality cosmetics brands offer primer at a reasonable price, you won't break the bank adding it to your routine.

Also, you'll find you reapply your foundation and powder less often throughout the day when you start with primer. This will make your makeup last longer so you buy it less frequently.

Not convinced? Try it for a month to see how it feels.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Erase Your Face

There are a ton of options for removing your makeup at the end of the day. From wipes to oils to cold cream, the methods are endless.

As someone with sensitive skin, I’ve found that most chemical removers are too harsh. They leave my skin red and blotchy, not to mention dry. They were fine in high school, but as an adult, my skin can no longer tolerate the chemicals. My new mission became finding a makeup removal option that didn’t irritate my skin.

First I tried oils. Not only is my skin sensitive, but it is also a combination of oily and dry. The oils did not mix well with my pores and resulted in a breakout.

Cold cream has been an option for generations. My mother and grandmother used it. I busted out the tub of Nivea and went to town. It got the job done, but the heavy amount of cream that soaked into my skin made it feel very heavy.

Eventually, I found the Erase Your Face cloths. These cloths are 100% polyester and are reusable. After you use them, you just throw them into the washing machine and they are supposed to come out like new. They’re also designed to be used on sensitive skin since all you need to add is water.

I figured I’d give them a shot. After several months of use, I found the following:


1 – My skin loves them. They are soft enough that there isn’t any irritation but still remove all the makeup.

2 – They are easy to clean. I throw them in the same load of laundry with the bath towels and they come out soft and fluffy every time.

3 – They seemed reasonably priced at the time. After the amount of use I’ve gotten out of them, they have paid for themselves ten times over.

4 - There are four in a package, so I don't run out during the week. 

5 - Since they are reusable, there is no waste. 

6 - You don't need to use chemicals.


1 – After about five or six months they stop washing completely clean. While they do wash well – without any pilling – the cloths start to hold onto marks from foundation.

Erase Your Face cloths are available here.

Have you tried a product you want to share? Let us know in the comments.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

New items coming soon!

We're in the process of selecting new items for our collection!

We'd love it if you could let us know what kinds of items you'd like to see. Part of our collection will be additional sizes.

So far we've heard our customers would like purses, so we're definitely looking at those!

Let us know what you'd like in the comments, or at