
Monday, June 19, 2017

How to Beat the Heat at a Formal Event

Summer is a time of weddings and graduations. These events tend to be more formal than your usual backyard BBQ, which means your go-to shorts and tank aren’t going to cut it. Formal events mean dressing up, and in the summer, this usually leads to overheating.

As a result of being too hot and overcrowded, you’re going to sweat. Throw in dancing, alcohol, and nerves, and you’ll be a puddle. Here is everything you need to know to stay dry – from head to toe.

Getting Ready

If you get too hot while you’re getting ready, you’re more likely to stay overheated. This leads to frustration, and in my case, throwing perfectly good outfits on the floor because they’re sticking to me.

There are some simple steps you can take to stay cool while you get ready to go out that will pay off right away.

1 – Set up a fan.

Aim the fan at your body, not your face. This way you won’t get windblown hair, but your body will stay cool.

2 – Rinse in cool water.

After you’ve showered, take a few minutes to rinse off in cool (not cold) water. You’ll feel cooler for longer. If you feel yourself getting too hot while you get ready, soak your feet in cool water in the tub for a couple minutes. The cooling sensation on your toes will help cool down the rest of you. This also helps when it comes time to put on shoes.

3 – Sip ice water.

This tip has two benefits – it will cool you down and keep you hydrated. When we sweat we lose a lot of moisture, and you don’t want to add dehydration to the list. Try adding cucumber and mint for a flavor boost.

4 – Drip dry.

After you get out of the shower, squeeze the excess water out of your hair. Let the rest drip dry by itself. This will cut down on the amount of blow drying you have to do.

5 – Wear something light (or nothing).

If you are home alone, or with a SO you are comfortable being nude around, get ready in the buff. Extra layers add to the heat. If this isn’t an option for you, get a light cotton robe, or wear shorts and a tank.


Put your hair up. Getting it off your neck will help keep you cool. It will also reduce sweat on the back of your neck, which immediately creates tangles. If you can’t find an updo that you like, try a base at the nape of your neck. This lower style can easily be dressed up, but you won’t feel like you’re exposing your neck and ears to the world.

Hairspray is your friend. For those of us who naturally have hair with attitude, frizz can be expected to make an appearance at every important event. Get a spray with extra strong hold. To tame flyaways, apply some hairspray to your comb and brush it through.

Be sure to apply hairspray throughout the styling process. If you are going for curls, lightly spray each one while it is still warm. For straight styles, use the comb tip from above on each section. Once your hair is done, spray your entire style.

To avoid using hot tools altogether, try using large, non-heated rollers. These are the ones that feel like the rough side of velcro. When your hair is damp, put small sections into large rollers to get loose waves. Leave it to dry on it's own. Depending on how thick your hair is, this could take a few hours, so be prepared to keep them in all day.


This is the most difficult part of going out in the heat of summer. Sometimes it seems like no matter how careful you are, your makeup will melt off as soon as you start to sweat. Follow these steps to minimize the melt.

1 – Start with moisturizer and primer.

Choose a moisturizer with SPF whether or not the event is outside. SPF is crucial for preventing skin cancer, and the skin on your face is super delicate.

Primer will give your makeup something to hold on to (click here to read our article about primer). This means your makeup will last longer. To prevent shine, choose a mattifying primer.

2 – Go for light coverage products.

Spot cover with concealer, then use a light product over top. The more layers you put on, the more layers there are to cake up. Try using a light liquid foundation topped with loose powder. Be sure to apply the foundation with a sponge to avoid getting excess amounts on your skin.

Whichever brand you use, choose a mattifying powder. Like the primer, this will help prevent too much shine, especially on your T-zone.

3 – Choose waterproof mascara.

Waterproof mascara is great for summer because it is also resistant to sweat. Regular mascara doesn’t contain the same waxes found in waterproof mascara, so it is more likely to come off when you overheat.

4 – Opt for lip gloss over lipstick.

In the heat, lip gloss is much easier to manage than lipstick. Not only does it have a lighter, summery look, but it won’t smudge. Melted lipstick creates a mess in your bag, and is impossible to put on when it’s mushy. On the other hand, lip gloss is already liquid, so you don’t have to worry about it becoming slimy on your face.

5 – Use a setting spray.

These sprays are perfect for big nights out. Once all of your makeup is on, lightly spritz your face with the setting spray to help everything stay where it should.

6 – Pick up blotting papers.

These sheets absorb oil and help you stay shine-free all night. When you hit the bathroom, pat one of these sheets on the spots where you feel greasy, like your forehead, nose, and chin. The papers will remove the oil, and all you have to do is touch-up with a bit of powder.

7 – Pack the essentials.

Make sure you bring the things you need. This includes the blotting papers, lip gloss, powder, and a mini deodorant. A purse-sized perfume is a good idea too, as long as you remember that it won’t take the place of actual deodorant.


Some fabrics are better than others when it comes to beating the heat. Cotton is particularly good because it allows for air flow through the weave of the fabric. Man-made fabrics like polyester and rayon are less helpful and tend to trap the heat.

For formal events like weddings and graduations, dresses are appropriate. Choose a style that doesn’t fit tight to your body. The extra room will prevent the fabric from sticking from you.

Pro tip – put dance pants (also known as booty shorts, or stretchy yoga shorts) underneath your dress. The extra layer may be a bit warm, but anybody who has had chafing on their thighs knows how uncomfortable it can get.

Chiffon is the perfect summer fabric. It is light and breathable, and when you have a chiffon skirt it is very feminine.


Formal shoes can get uncomfortable and painful very quickly, especially when there is dancing involved. If at all possible, choose an open-toed shoe with a sling back. The open front and back allow for air to flow through, which will help keep your feet cool.

Slingbacks help prevent rubbing on your Achilles heel. The smaller amount of material means there is less to rub.

Also, purchase some insoles. The gel versions are comfy but may become slippery if your feet sweat. There are a couple of options to fix this – either choose fabric insoles or put a panty liner over top to absorb the sweat. Weird, we know, but it works. Check out this article about other odd tips to save your flats in the summer.

Throw some band aids in your bag just in case. It is incredibly aggravating to be on the verge of developing a blister and finding yourself without a plaster. 

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